Over twelve years ago, Emily and I walked into a church service held at a middle school in Aurora, Colorado. We were in high school and recently just started dating each other. Looking back now, the Lord’s sovereign hand was guiding us right into this church. For a number of months, as our relationship was growing as a couple, we realized that we needed to find a church and make it our home. Bumper stickers, signs on the street, and even coworkers all said one thing: Calvary Chapel Aurora. God had caught our attention.
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Lord so clearly directed our steps specifically to Calvary Aurora.
I remember two things about our first visit to Calvary Aurora: 1) Pastor Ed was teaching from the book of Romans and 2) I heard the phrase, “Win - Disciple - Send.”
At that point in my life, I wasn’t really walking with the Lord, but He was starting to get my attention. Pastor Ed's teaching verse-by-verse of Romans really opened up my eyes to how Jesus wanted to speak to me, even that very morning, through His Word. Also, I had no idea that little phrase “Win - Disciple - Send” would become such a part of my life, specifically the word “send.”
As we made Calvary Aurora our home church, Jesus began to do an incredible work in our hearts. Our hunger and thirst for the Word increased. Our love and passion for Jesus grew. We started serving in various ways. I got baptized at Calvary Aurora. We got engaged and began pre-marital counseling at Calvary Aurora. We got married there. Jesus was building our lives upon Him and His Word.
Early on, God stirred our hearts every time the word “send” was mentioned. Pastor Ed was always faithfully teaching us that the church should be a sending church. We wanted to be a part of sending people out. But we also wanted to be sent ourselves. Our prayer became, “Lord, how do you want us to serve you? We’re ready to give everything to you.”
God was working in our hearts, something that only He could do. A heart for missions. A heart to be sent.
“Also I head the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8
As God developed our calling, He used the local church to equip, encourage, and send us out for Jesus Christ.
It’s so cool to see how the Lord works. Because now I am in a place, pastoring a church that the Lord entrusted to me, and He has the same vision for our church. Calvary Chapel Zaporozhye is a sending church. Our vision is to look unto Jesus as we win, disciple, and send for Jesus. The Lord sent us out years ago and now He is using us to equip, encourage and send people out for the Gospel here in Zaporozhye, Ukraine!
We were in America over the summer. We spent as much time as we could at our sending church, Calvary Aurora. And the Lord is still faithfully sending people out through that church. Jesus continues to be glorified as they faithfully teach the Word. And Pastor Ed and the pastoral staff continue to pastor and care for us, as we pastor and care for the people in Zap. Just because I am a pastor now, doesn't mean I don't need a pastor myself. I am so thankful for my pastor.
When the Lord directed our steps into that church so many years ago, I never would have believed what the Lord had in store, even if you would have told me.
“Look at the nations and watch, and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5
I am so thankful for my pastor and our sending church. The Lord has used them in incredible ways in our lives and in so many other’s lives.
Pray for your pastor. Pray for your church. And watch the Lord do amazing things in and through His church, worldwide!
Keep looking unto Jesus,
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